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Athletic Performance, Flexibility, Rehabilitation, Massage Therapy


Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy®

Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy® is a highly refined system of corrective treatment designed to aid in the restoration of damaged muscles and soft tissue in the entire body. Using a specific series of well-designed movements applied to the muscles, a fully trained Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapist concentrates on all layers of muscle that have become depleted of their normal blood and lymphatic flow. This specific therapy helps to restore the circulation with its natural healing properties to the cellular level. Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy® establishes a foundation for corrective massage upon which other trouble-shooting techniques may be added. It has been proven valuable in the prevention as well as correction of many serious muscle conditions. Because of its positive benefits to all of the body's soft tissue, it may be described as the most comprehensive form of corrective bodywork available today. Pfrimmer Deep Muscle Therapy® is the "healing touch."



 Active Isolated Stretching

Active Isolated Stretching (AIS), is a dynamic flexibility system derived from extensive research in Kinesiology: the study of muscles and movement. AIS is a precise method of facilitated stretching and strength training. AIS frees tension, deep restrictions within the fascia, and muscle tissue all by using very specific movements. It also restores elasticity, pliability, and neurological communications with the brain. It positively affects the joints, nerves, lymphatic, vascular, biomechanical, and biochemical systems of the body allowing literally everything inside you to become healthier. AIS takes into account each joint, its movements, and the muscles that create those movements. It is the most in-depth stretching system currently in use in the world.



​ Kinesio Taping® Method

The Kinesio Taping® Method is a definitive rehabilitative taping technique that is designed to facilitate the body’s natural healing process while providing support and stability to muscles and joints without restricting the body’s range of motion. Kinesio® Tex Tape is latex-free, wearable for days, and safe for populations ranging from pediatric to geriatric. It also successfully treats a variety of orthopedic, neuromuscular, neurological, and other medical conditions. Kinesio® Tex Tape alleviates pain and facilitates lymphatic drainage by microscopically lifting the skin. 




Chair Massage Therapy                                         

The term "Chair Massage" describes the type of massage that is performed while the client sits fully clothed in a special chair. This unique massage chair is ergonomically designed and offers full support of the head (face forward), arms, torso, and legs. Chair massage is performed by certified and insured practitioners who use a combination of deep tissue and Swedish Massage techniques, usually on the muscle groups in the neck, shoulders, back, arms and hands. This massage is a convenient, quick and inexpensive way to enjoy the benefits of massage.


On-Site Chair Massage

Create an energized and productive work atmosphere with On-Site Chair Massage. This simple stress management technique is a convenient and affordable way to provide employees with instant job stress relief. Your workplace is the perfect location for seated massage. Many people experience a great deal of stress at work but have very little spare time to deal with stress-related symptoms. The solution:  we come to your office and provide you with natural stress relief and deep relaxation, all in a matter of minutes. Reward your team with workplace massage for a job well done or book weekly, bi-weekly or monthly sessions to keep your employees at their best and staff turnover to a minimum.                                  


Brazilian Bronze Spray Tanning

We will customize your spray tan to your exact preferences. Want more coverage on your legs and butt and just a touch on your face? No problem - all you have to do is let us know. This is the big difference between a custom spray tan and the one-size-fits-all booths - we are more than happy to accommodate your requests. We can even spray you in such a way that cellulite is minimized and your body looks more toned and sculpted.






Infrared Therapeutic Heat Treatment

Experience the therapeutic benefits of infrared light therapy. Benefits include:

*Deep collagen renewal

*Treats eczema, psoriasis, and acne

*Increases blood circulation

*Immune boosting

*Mood enhancing - helps with SAD (Seasonally Affected Disorder)

*Boosts metabolism allowing for faster calorie burning 

*Skin tightening - Reverses visable signs of aging

*Helps body eliminate toxins

The minute you step in front of the infrared unit you immediatley feel the warmth and then rejuvination begins. It only take 20 minutes to gain a new found treatment that isn't like any other. It is amazing what a weekly treatment can do for you. The results are amazing and, you will feel miles better! Think of all the wonderful things you are doing for your body.

Athletic Performance, Muscle Correction, Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy
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